Our team have worked with some of the biggest names in industry, across many different verticals. This is a selection of clients we’ve worked with on training, consulting & knowledge transfer engagements:

Save time, improve engagement, accuracy and project outcome
Up to 45% of projects are not delivered on time or on budget. What if there was a better way?
Safran Risk combines robust schedule risk with cost risk analysis, so you can consider alternative delivery options and make data-led decisions to deliver project success.
15 Minutes Product Demo

Monte Carlo simulation tool out of date?
Independent study found Safran Risk runs 97% faster than OPRA (Pertmaster)
Secure and stable SQL database for your largest logic linked resource loaded schedules
Clear, simple reporting with added automation (not just S-curves and tornado diagrams)
Automated sensitivity-analysis-by-exclusion for milestones, hammocks & costs
Oracle P6 .XER + Microsoft Project .XML + .MPXJ Interoperability
Upgrade to Safran Risk today.

Improve project speed, cost and margins
Effortlessly combine advanced project schedule risk, and cost risk analysis for greater insight and smarter, real-time decision making. Safran Risk empowers you to better understand, manage and mitigate against risk and deliver improved project outcomes.

Decision trade-offs with improved project insights
Joint Confidence Levels (JCL) via integrated dost & schedule risk analysis.
Stochastically test risk mitigation proposals for smarter cost-benefit analysis.
Utilise lessons-learned & actual performance (or historical weather data).
Easier user interface for applying different types of correlation.
Real-time-analyser to spot anomalies before committing to full simulation.
Free-up time to interrogate the accuracy of your model
Increase transparency and simple process flows
Raw simulation data navigated or exported to Excel / BI tools
Real-time analysis: receive instant feedback as risk model is being built.
Schedule validation: schedule check automatically monitors and validates your schedules.
Risk mitigation: make fast, informed decisions based on the quantified impact of the project schedule and cost.
Data exchange: create or modify project schedules directly within Safran Risk from 3rd party systems.
Integrated: cost & schedule Risk Analysis save time and reduce frustration by conducting cost and schedule risk analysis on a single platform.
Improve stakeholder buy-in
Increased model transparency and simple workflows.
Enhanced engagement and collaboration though what-if comparison.
Leverage the risk driver method to clearly show cause & effect.
Fast & intuitive for live risk workshops and presentations.
Automatically visualise risk adjusted Gantt charts and cashflows.
Fully customise how schedules are visualised to elevate audience comprehension.
Repurpose time saved to improve model validity, stress-test & discover/propose new recommendations.

Why Safran Risk?
Understanding Quantitative Risk Analysis - In this 3 part mini-video series we cover three key areas you need to know including:
How to win stakeholder hearts & minds by cultivating trust
How to save time in producing & interrogating risk models
How to create & protect value / profit